KNOW ABOUT UTERINE CANCER Uterine cancer comes in two main types: endometrial cancer, which is more common, and uterine sarcoma, which is rarer. Symptoms of uterine cancer may involve bleeding between periods or after menopause. Typically, treatment involves a hysterectomy, which is the removal of the uterus. There are two main types: Endometrial cancer : This happens in the inner lining of your uterus called the endometrium. It's one of the most common cancers in women's reproductive systems. Uterine sarcoma : This develops in the muscle wall of your uterus, known as the myometrium. Uterine sarcomas are very rare. Causes of uterine cancer: Doctors are not exactly sure what causes uterine cancer. Changes in the cells of your uterus happen, and these altered cells start growing uncontrollably, forming a lump called a tumor. Certain things can make you more likely to get uterine cancer. If you're at a higher risk, talk to your healthcare provider about what yo...