What are the side effects of breast cancer surgery?



  Side Effects after Breast Cancer Surgery

  •        Numbness and tingling: Nerve damage during surgery may result in numbness, tingling, or pain in your chest, armpit, upper arm, or shoulder. The nerves typically undergo self-repair, but this process may take several weeks. Your healthcare provider can prescribe pain medications if needed.
  •        Shoulder stiffness: Stiffness, weakness, and a reduced range of motion in your shoulder and arm are common after breast surgery. This condition may persist for a few weeks. Your healthcare provider will guide you through daily exercises to practice during your recovery, aiming to prevent shoulder stiffness.
  •        Cording: Some individuals who underwent surgery on their axillary lymph nodes may develop axillary web syndrome, also known as cording. Hardened lymph nodes create a tight cord of tissue that runs from your armpit down your arm. Massaging it may be necessary to help stretch it out.
  •        Lymphedema: Disruption of your lymph drainage system can occasionally lead to swelling in your arm or hand. While some swelling in the first week after surgery is normal, persistent swelling may indicate a more lasting condition called lymphedema. While not curable, lymphedema is treatable.






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